It's the second day of the New Year! Sorry for the late posting - it has been quite a year, hasn't it?
To be frank, there's a lot of posts that I missed after 2014 sort of spiraled into one of the busiest periods of my life. I missed Halloween, Thanksgiving, the glorious period known as finals, and Christmas. But hey, I'm here for the New Year!
For a quick list of updates...
Halloween was fun - I didn't go trick-or-treating (because I am seventeen, believe it or not), but I always enjoy coming to school when everyone's in costume. Teachers are also a lot more lenient, so we spend more time discussing candy and horror movies than calculus. I hung out with a few good friends - for the life of me, I cannot watch horror films, but they convinced me with Hitchcock's The Birds. I enjoyed it on a cinematic level, but still scary.
October and November sort of swept by in a blurry of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (the book I read in Lit) and economics. I've found a certain appreciation for economics, actually. It's fascinating to see markets and relate it to human predictability. It is certainly an important subject, and I feel like many people have a limited respect for it.
All I remember for Thanksgiving was turkey. Yum.
And then it was December, and finals came upon me like an angel of terror. I have to admit that I've never been so stressed - I literally broke out in a rash the last week of school. Because I'm taking three college courses on top of my regular school schedule, I was forever shuttling between campuses and trying to keep my material straight. I was also working through my college applications at the time (fingers crossed!) so the burden was very, very heavy.
I pulled through, thankfully, and then it was break! My family and I spent a short three-day vacation in San Diego during Christmas, which is why I missed marking it on this blog. San Diego during December is a bit surreal - instead of hot chocolate and snow, I got (really good) Mexican food and sandy beaches that glittered like gold. Quite literally. The sand was gold.
My camera is currently out of commission, unfortunately, so I wasn't able to take proper pictures. Take my work for it though - it was fantastic to actually go somewhere and relax after a long, LONG, semester.
And now, I'm back and looking forward to 2015. I don't really enjoy making resolutions, but I do have one long-term goal for this year: to regain my energy. I want to become invigorated and curious, I want to reach out and DO things. I have so many things planned, from getting back to piano to beginning French and outlining a possible novel (!). Let's say that this is my year.