Monday, June 30, 2014

time waster, time spender.


My name is Joyce. This is my first post in my new blog.

I suppose in a sense, I'm a veteran at beginnings and a beginner at endings. Or at least, at continuing things.

Yes, that's right. I'm the obnoxious sort of person who always makes new blogs, thinking she has something worthwhile to share with the world, and ends up having them peeter out pathetically because she's either too lazy or too discouraged to keep up with a public diary. Because of this, I've made many (many) introductory first posts. And so I mistakenly give myself the name of veteran at beginnings.

(Beginnings of what? Just blogs? No, also novels and projects and relationships and whatever else is worthwhile if you don't procrastinate. Alas, I fail miserably.)

Once you get into the habit of repeating the same thing multiple times, you find variety in the repetition. How can I make myself sound more interesting? More cynical? More world-wise and weary, more like someone with a (sexy) husky voice who'd randomly chat you up with epiphany-like advise at a dimly lit bar while you, the hero, are down on your luck and nursing a glass of whiskey?

Yet the variety is ultimately lost, and each first post becomes a painful exaggeration of the last. Look, I'm doing it even now. Can you hear my husky voice?

I hoped to shake it up a bit with this new first post by giving a simple, direct, near juvenile introduction to myself. And thus, this brings me to my point, after a long elliptical path of short paragraphs:

My name is Joyce. I'm a sixteen (soon to be seventeen) year old high school student living in southern California. Currently, it's summer, and so I remain stuck in the limbo that is the bane of every student's existence when they are asked the hated question, "What grade are you in?"

I was previously a junior. And yes, I will be a senior. You, sir or madam, are most insightful.

I suppose that you understand the significance of being (or going to become) a senior. You have experienced it yourself or found the numerous pop culture references that litter the works of post-20th century literature.

O the precipice of adulthood, of what epic proportions it shall determine the nostalgia of my old age!

But here comes college applications, physics, and most importantly, prom. Here comes the snobby superiority and veteran nature of all seniors, and the impending panic at the folly of independence.

In my long days as a student (pampered and privileged), I've gotten into the habit of recording things. With what limited foresight I have, I can vaguely predict that in the future, I might want to remember what it was like to be young and seventeen (In no way is this a reference to a certain dancing queen. Shut up.)

So yeah. This blog will be a record of my senior year. I might branch off and do other posts, but ultimately, it's a personal blog. I'm not quite sure what to expect from it. Ah, but so it goes.

To the future graduate in 2015, what can I expect from you?

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